Version 35 Devbuild 4 Out Now

What's New

  • New Multiplayer is at the final stages
  • Zagnul Torrenthand now reads "Hero Journey 6 - Your hero gains "Followers you control that cost 2 [COST] or less have +2[ATK}/+2[HEALTH]"
  • Sul Farthal and Tarin Spellburst's cost reduction effect now only affects cards with printed cost 1 or more
  • Avalon is now a 3 Cost 2/4 with "Intangible. At the end of your turn, you may destroy target equipment" (Can't be attacked)
  • Cecile Everlight is now a 3 Cost 2/4 with "Intangible. At the end of your turn, you may destroy target permanent ability" (Can't be attacked)
  • Soul Crush (Dark Weaver ability) has been removed
  • Cogmaster's Gift now costs 5 (up from 4) and deals 2 damage from its Deploy effect (up from 1)
  • Blood Sacrifice now deals 3 damage to your hero (down from 4) and draws 3 cards (up from 2)
  • Sabotage now has an alternative cost to discard a card instead of paying the resource cost
  • Celestia, The Shadow's hero journey now limits the minimum cost reduction to 1 
  • New Card: Restored Might - 3 cost brawler/scout ability with "Fetch for an equipment in your discard pile, and put it into play without paying its cost"
  • New Card: Resurrection - 5 cost elementalist/paladin ability with "Fetch for a follower in your discard pile, and put it into play without paying its cost"
  • Quest progress and end of game rewards are properly rewarded now (provided your match has lasted the minimum time for rewards)
  • You now get end-of-game rewards when quitting a match or being disconnected (assuming the minimum reward time has happened)
  • Improved Mastery Rewards to more easily show that they're available
  • Weekly Chest now gives rewards whenever the next week starts (according to the US calendar - Sunday)
  • Nature's Strength now has Weapon subtype
  • Pack drop chances now appear in the shop
  • Many, many bug fixes


Windows (Development) 180 MB
Version 35 May 17, 2021
Linux (Development) 183 MB
Version 35 May 17, 2021
macOS (Development) 303 MB
Version 35 May 17, 2021

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