Patch Notes for 07-08-23


  • Added new King of Beasts and Hon Sweetperson, The Painter art
  • Changed Burn to trigger its start of turn damage event when the main phase starts rather than at exactly the start of the game
  • Changed player stats to show for all players on the screen during matches with 3 or more players
  • Added new animations to some card events
  • Adjusted card designs for better readability
  • Frenzy now properly spends mana to play
  • Flying cards can now be attacked while resting
  • Tactician cards can now be attacked by Flying cards
  • Changed Explorer's Map Life cost to 2 (up from 1)
  • Changed Nurturing Elemental's cost to 3 (up from 2)
  • Changed Grove Tyrant to no longer have Untargetable
  • King of Beasts' token activated ability now costs 2 (up from 1)
  • Controller Golem has been redesigned into Master Golem, which empowers your golems and cores

Dev Notes

Changed Burn to trigger its start of turn damage event when the main phase starts rather than at exactly the start of the game

Burn could deal damage before state checks were performed, which allowed a player with no deck (and thus, game over) to kill another player first. Thus, this was changed.

Technically, all start of turn effects should happen when the main phase starts, since the start phase performs all start of turn sequences before the turn actually starts.

Changed player stats to show for all players on the screen during matches with 3 or more players

This one can be confusing, but now there's two to four player stats when in a duel. This is to make information on each player clearer.

Additionally, a hand counter is now visible for each player, since some matches could have so many cards in hand it'd be confusing otherwise.

Flying cards can now be attacked while resting

Tactician cards can now be attacked by Flying cards

Flying and Tactician have too much evasion, which makes them especially hard to deal with. This will help them still be strong but not too strong.

Changed Explorer's Map Life cost to 2 (up from 1)

Changed Nurturing Elemental's cost to 3 (up from 2)

Explorer's Map is a very powerful card and gives decks a very fast way to ramp through resources.
Nurturing Elemental allows for very fast early ramp, which if not dealt with fast, can make the game a loss for the opponent.

These two cards help each other in a very powerful combo, and as a result they've been slightly nerfed to try to slow things down a little.

Changed Grove Tyrant to no longer have Untargetable

Grove Tyrant is a very powerful card, and the Untargetable keyword makes an early Tyrant essentially impossible to deal with due to the Impact keyword it also has.

To make the card slightly less powerful but still quite strong, Untargetable was removed, to avoid matches that feel polarizing.

King of Beasts' token activated ability now costs 2 (up from 1)

King of Beasts' activated ability is quite good but also quite cheap. To make it more in line with the power level of Golem Factory, it has been bumped to 2 cost per token.

Controller Golem has been redesigned into Master Golem, which empowers your golems and cores

Controller Golem (Master Golem) is a card in a deck that barely works, in part due to the heavy essence requirements for Cores to be good. To help the deck potentially be a bit more competitive, it has been redesigned in a manner that I feel is powerful but not too powerful.

Changed Cards


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