Full Art Update (again), Improved card style support


  • Implemented another improved full art format
  • Changed Redan Thief to trigger only once
  • Implemented fullart style for all non-generic-asset art cards
  • Fixed issues with Fire Ball/Draconic Fire Ball having incorrect game data

Improved Full Art Card Styles

The Full Art style was once again changed! Here's the new look for full art cards. Remember, you can swap styles by zooming in on a card in your collection and clicking the button to the right of the card!


Windows (Stable) 176 MB
Version 37 Sep 04, 2023
Linux (Stable) 191 MB
Version 37 Sep 04, 2023
Android (Stable) 177 MB
Version 37 Sep 04, 2023
Windows (Development) 176 MB
Version 37 Sep 04, 2023
Linux (Development) 191 MB
Version 37 Sep 04, 2023
Android (Development) 177 MB
Version 37 Sep 04, 2023

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Your cards scare me. It's too complex!!!