Happy Holidays from Fairtravel Battle!

Hello everyone, how've you been?

First of all, I'd like to wish you all happy holidays and an amazing new year!

As the year is getting closer to ending, I'd like to take this time to talk about how Fairtravel Battle changed this year and where it's heading.

Fairtravel Battle had a bit of a turbulent two years, as the game was cancelled back at the end of 2021 but shortly afterwards was revived. That wasn't public until a massive remake update was released, because I didn't want to flop yet again.

In simple terms, game development is tough, and circumstances are a big factor in every gamedev's career.

I'm happy to say, I have been feeling much better working on FTB, I no longer feel extremely drained most of the time due to my sense of responsibility which made me do huge hours after my full-time job because I had this idea that I just had to keep making updates as fast as possible.

Now that my mental health is much better, I should be able to keep developing FTB for quite a while onwards!

The remake update was a reimagining of the game, returning it to its origins in a way yet improving every aspect quite a lot. I feel that as the FTB is now, is the best it's ever been, and it's very fun. I play it very regularly and I think I got something special here.

This year, a major event happened that means that FTB might actually have a chance to be truly special: The Pixel Buster and I agreed to work together to get proper art for the game, of which over 78 card arts have already been added to the game.

This has truly been a blessing, and in a situation like mine when there's barely any budget, it's not unlike winning the lottery: FTB now has a chance to both play and look amazingly!

I'm hopeful that FTB will be released in early access next year. Knowing how the past few years have gone though, there most likely will be a lot of obstacles. But, we're getting there! I want to release it only when it's ready. The Steam Playtest will be kept available until then, of course.

There have been quite a lot of smaller updates to the Playtest, and due to lack of visibility I'll be posting new update announcements here as well, since it might feel like FTB is barely changing otherwise.

I'm truly thankful for the support of each and every one of you. I'd like to request that you wishlist the game if you feel you enjoy it enough to be worthy of such a thing. It really helps, as due to the lack of budget there's also a lack of marketing.

Once more, I wish you all happy holidays and an amazing new year!

Get Fairtravel Battle


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Heads up, your link for The Pixel Buster isn't the artstation itself but the "steam redirect" link. Not a big problem, just that when it asked "are you sure you want to leave steam" I'm like "I didn't know I was on it???" lol


Thanks a lot! just fixed it! (would be faster but itch only mailed me about your reply now)