Version 38 Update 10 - Quality of Life update

This update focuses especially on fixing bugs and adding some quality of life (QOL) features.


  • Cleaned up assets to reduce the size of the game considerably
  • Added mod manager screen on game settings (so you can load/unload mods at runtime instead of modifying files manually)
  • Reworked the game data packaging (updated once you run the game once)
  • Updated the starting deck and starting mana for Explorer
  • Redone AI logic (but since this is a sensitive area, it might have a lot of issues. Please report any you find! It'd be really helpful!)
  • Changed Darkflame Blast to 3 damage (down from 4)
  • Corrected Undead Mob's type line to Undead (was accidentally set to elemental but still acted like undead)
  • Added card previews on mouse/finger over during mulligan
  • Fixed Blacksmith's AI logic to no longer take wrong choices (like giving an enemy a buff)
  • Changed confirm prompts game setting to be off by default on new profiles
  • Added PC keybind to end turn (tab)
  • Added Camera Shake and Reduced Motion accessibility settings (Reduced Motion is a work in progress and will be expanded over time)
  • Added improved logic to some effects to handle Unique cards better
  • Adjusted Arfactus's AI logic to prioritize followers


Windows (Stable) 176 MB
Version 38 Apr 06, 2024
Linux (Stable) 191 MB
Version 38 Apr 06, 2024
Android (Stable) 177 MB
Version 38 Apr 06, 2024
Windows (Development) 176 MB
Version 38 Apr 06, 2024
Linux (Development) 191 MB
Version 38 Apr 06, 2024
Android (Development) 177 MB
Version 38 Apr 06, 2024

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